Category Archives: automation

Robert Stark interviews Presidential Candidate Brock Pierce














Robert Stark talks to Brock Pierce about his campaign for president. Brock Pierce is a former child actor, cryptocurrency and technology entrepreneur, and humanitarian. You can also follow him and his campaign’s updates on Twitter.


Why Brock is running for president
The recent independent presidential debate at the Independent National Convention.
How the system is rigged against independent candidates
How Brock would handle the pandemic and economic crisis
Proposal for a Universal Earned Income
Economic innovation, alternative lending solutions, and de-centralized finance
The dangers of the US losing it’s World Reserve Currency Status
Regulation of big tech and censorship issues
Blockchain voting
Re-legalize nature, end the war on drugs and for profit prisons
Ballot access and long term political plans

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Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about the Caucasus Region













Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about the Caucasus region and trends for the 2020s. Matt Forney is an author, journalist and founder of Terror House Press, whose mission is to publish outsider literary fiction, literary nonfiction, and cultural criticism/analysis. You can also follow Terror House publishing on Twitter and Instagram.


Matt’s travels to the Caucasus region, living in Georgia for two years, and visiting Armenia
Georgia as an underrated gem, with an affordable but high standard of living, and hub for digital nomads
Geographic locations and mountainous natural beauty
Architecture and urban layout of Tbilisi, Georgia and Yerevan, Armenia
The anti-corruption Rose Revolution in Georgia
The region’s culture, Xenia hospitality culture, crossroad of Europe and the Middle East, and creeping westernization
The region’s cuisine, which is somewhat bland, but Georgian was the most exotic in Soviet Russia
Matt’s travels to Albania and misconceptions about that nation
The historic background leading up to the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
The conflict’s geo-political alliances and implications
Observations of social trends of the past two decades and speculation about the near future
How technology and social developments are leading to greater social atomization
The pandemic’s destruction of small businesses, gig economy, and overall end of normal employment
Why Matt has reservations about the UBI (Martin Goldberg: What Happens If You Get DELETED?)
The corporate gentrification of the internet
The Mancession of the 2008 crash vs. the current Shecession, and implications on gender relations
JPMorgan Chase extending billions in loans to minority homebuyers, Yelp’s anti-racist social credit nightmare, and overall unsustainability of woke neoliberalism
Matt’s prediction that Trump will win re-election and populism will align more with the GOP
Terror House Press’ upcoming books, including Matt Pegan’s Dragon Day

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Jason Reza Jorjani about Prometheism












Robert Stark talks to Jason Reza Jorjani about his new book Prometheism. Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD is an Iranian-American philosopher, lifelong native New Yorker, and author of numerous books including Prometheus and Atlas. Also check out his Twitter and Patreon.


The Prometheist Manifesto: a new political, spiritual, and techno-scientific movement
Prometheus as the enlightener of mankind in Greek mythology
Promethean archetype in the Zoroastrian deity Ahura Mazda
Prometheism’s  Retro-futurist rather than traditionalist trajectory
The technological singularity, dystopian scenarios, and limited time frame to ensure these technologies benefit mankind
Jason’s book Lovers of Sophia which deals with scenario of existing elites preventing the singularity through a controlled demolition
CRISPR gene editing, potential benefits, and dangers that it could be used to weed out non-conformity
ParapsychologyPrinceton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory program on psychokinesis
Need for a new Promethean elite of creative geniuses and technological innovators
Archeo-futurism as the aesthetic of Prometheism (ex. Art Deco Rockefeller Center and drafts of Hugh Ferriss, Frank Lloyd Wright, Syd Mead, and 70s Iran)
Advocacy of a geo-political constellation of the West, Russia, Iran, India, and Japan under the umbrella of a Promethean ethos
The dangers of toppling the Iranian regime, Trump’s disastrous policies, and how change must come from within

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson

Robert Stark catches up with Logo Daedalus in the simulation













Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to Logo Daedalus about the current political climate and whether there’s any historical significance and deeper philosophical meaning to all this. Logo is the author of Selfie, Suicide: or Cairey Turnbull’s Blue Skiddoo and you can follow him on Twitter.


The different online tribes and how the weakest are based on ideology
Ideology as a pavlovian learned response
Thoughts on the protests, civil unrest, and Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
The Woke Capital phenomenon, and why Logo thinks it’s more of an advertisement investment rather than political agenda
Why pointing out moral hypocrisy is an ineffective political strategy
The significance of Iconoclasm
How America is an economic zone, all politics are consumer choices, and Americans are tourists
Baudrillard’s concept of current events as part of the simulation
Kojève and the End of history
The need for a post establishment world view
How building communities, creative endeavors, and independent institutions are more important than politics
The need for neo-mercantilism as an alternative to neo-liberalism
The animalization of American life (future of humans as pets)
Why the Boiling frog theory is more likely than the collapse (World will be same but worse after ‘banal’ virus, says Houellebecq)
How the police will be co-opted into the woke agenda rather than defunded
Nathan for You and what makes effective satire
The Kerouac Pill
Logo’s upcoming book inspired by the Canterbury Tales

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about the Planned Obsolescence of the American Heartland














Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about his in-production documentary chronicling the economic and social despair of the American Heartland. Paul Bingham is the author of Down Where the Devil Don’t Go and Black House Rocked. You can contact Paul at


Paul’s footage and interviews conducted across the South and Midwest
The concept of non-essential jobs exposing the reality that most of the workforce will become obsolete
Long term economic consequences of the pandemic including permanent job loss, foreclosure of small banks and businesses, and more automation and streamlining
Trump’s failure to bring back manufacturing
The conglomeration of farmland and real estate
Why Paul predicts America will serve as the breadbasket of the world
Paul’s speculation that elites support mass immigration in the short term but population reduction in the long term
Stratification of elites, hiding of assets, and effectiveness of an asset tax
Crisis of addiction and deaths of despair (highest rates among Whites and Native Americans)
The foreign policy motive behind foreign owned cash businesses
The benefits of economic specialization and family based businesses
America’s nomadic nature
Why certain groups of Americans are better adapted to thrive in the future
Why the general public is only educated to be a consumer and not a rational political actor
Failure of past political movements from Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders
How the documentary will record the heartland’s decline rather than explicitly make political predictions
Paul’s upcoming poetry book, Strip Club Poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Catching up with Matt Pegan in Quarantine














Matt Pegan returns to talk with Robert Stark about the social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and some of their upcoming projects. Follow Matt’s new account on Twitter.


Why Matt decided to go under his real name
The new Weird Right cultural scene, with more freedom to be creative without guilt by association, and cross pollination with the Dirtbag Left
The TFW NO GF documentary
The impact of the pandemic on mental health
How the quarantine proves the value of leisure and whether it will spark a cultural renaissance
Transitioning into a new era after a long era of stagnation since the last election
How Covid-19 narratives are creating new political paradigms
How the quarantine vindicates nationalist policies with a safety net
The political impact of States re-opening
The pandemic’s long term impact on social bonds
The economic impact of the pandemic and how inequality will likely get much worse
Robert’s upcoming sequel to his novel Journey to Vapor Island and Matt’s novel Dragon Day(excerpt from Terror House)
Robert and Matt’s LA nostalgia series with David Cole(Part One: Westside Pavilion)
Will public spaces survive the pandemic?

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Robin Hanson about Covid-19 & Brain Emulations













Robert Stark interviews Robin Hanson about the coronavirus pandemic and other issues. Robin is an associate professor of economics at George Mason University and a research associate at the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford University. He is an an expert on idea futures and markets, an academic polymath with interests in physics, computer science and economics. He is author of The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life and The Age of Em: Work, Love, and Life When Robots Rule the Earth. Check out his blog Overcoming Bias and Twitter account.


The long term effectiveness of lock-downs
Why testing and tracing are the most effective tools in earlier stages
The danger that the majority could become infected
Robin’s case for variolation to control the pandemic
The success of Asian nations in handling the pandemic
Using AI to track cases
The dangers of one location re-infecting others
Estimated risk scores for various activities
The Age of Em which deals with the feasibility of Mind uploading in the future
Why human consciousness cannot be scientifically measured
The impacts of Mind uploading to machines on economics and all ways of life
Robin’s thought experiment Comparing Income & Sex Redistribution

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Paul Tripp about his proposal for a Green New Right












Robert Stark talks to Unz review writer about his proposal for The Green New Right. Paul is also the author of Psionism.


Paul’s critique of the Left’s handling of environmental issues
The focus on carbon emissions and the degree to which climate change is responsible for habitat loss
The Left’s focus on the West while ignoring ecological devastation in the developing world
The Left’s lack of concern for overpopulation in the developing world while telling Westerners to reduce their birthrates
Mass immigration’s impact on ecological footprints
Education, IQ, and Fertility
The need for rural revitalization for the new green economy
How sustainable agriculture would need a much larger and higher skilled workforce
The mainstream right’s neglect of environmentalism
How economic nationalism and tariffs would help end the exploitation of resources by global capitalism
The environmental origins of the coronavirus pandemic
The problems of a consumption based economic model
Why profits should be based upon reciprocity
One-Third of American Workers Pay Is Being Stolen. Here’s How
The decline in workers’ purchasing power
Why the Financialization of the economy is a bigger issue than labor supply
Paul’s book Psionism about rejecting an imposed mono culture in favor of neo-tribalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Zoltan Istvan about his Campaign for President in 2020
















Robert Stark talks to Zoltan Istvan about his campaign for the Republican Party nomination for President in 2020. Zoltan previously ran for President as a Transhumanist and for California Governor as a Libertarian. Zoltan is the author of The Transhumanist Wager and has a new book out Upgrading America: The Political Writings of Zoltan Istvan.


A new type of Republican that is technologically innovative and culturally open minded
How science and technology can fix most of the nation’s problems
The use of science and technology to upgrade the human experience
Genetic editing
The use of AI for public safety and recognizing trauma
Basic income proposal funded by monetizing federal land
Immigration policy taking into account automaton
How past issues of discrimination will be outdated in the Transhumanist future
Parental licensing
Automating bureaucracy
Using technology to protect humankind from existential risks
Long term goal of ending all human suffering
How technology can be used to protect the environment

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark & Brandon Adamsom talk about Predictions for the 2020’s












Robert Stark and Brandon Adamson discuss their predictions for the next decade. Check out Brandon’s predictions on Twitter.


The conflict with Iran, low probability of outright war, but continuation of foreign policy status quo under Trump
Prediction that Trump won’t be re-elected due to demographic change and lack of energy among intelligent online activists
Prediction that woke culture will become even more insane
Prediction that people won’t wake up in numbers to enact any significant change and in fact will get used to a lower standard of living
Woke urbanist vs. NIMBYs, and regular millennials getting screwed from both sides
The gig economy
The home delivery trend and it’s impact on urbanism
Micro apartments
Retrofitting Dead and Dying Suburban Malls
Self-contained cities
Decay’s urbanist predictions on Twitter
The stagnation of pop culture and how hipster culture has been superficially absorbed into pop culture
America existing in name only, with loyalty to tribes rather than abstract idea of America
The importance of being part of a small elite group rather than winning over the masses
American refugees will become a thing

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island