Category Archives: Literature

Robert Stark interviews artist Gio Pennacchietti

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Gio Pennacchietti about aesthetic, cultural, and social trends. Gio Pennacchietti is a social impressionist painter and writer from the “first post-national country” (Canada), Gonzo Philosopher, and failed academic. Check out his YouTube channel GiantArt Productions, Instagram, writings at Substack and WordPress, and Twitter.


Gio’s review of Robert Stark’s Art: The Fauvist Vaporwave Interiors
20th Century aesthetic genres, retrofuturism, post-modernism, late 20th century pop art, trends in nostalgia, and the psychology of hauntology
Political symbolism in aesthetics: 2010s minimalism, Neoliberal Kitsch, Sanford Biggers’ statue in Rockefeller Plaza, the de-evolution of Trump’s aesthetics, and the lack of a cohesive aesthetic trend for the future
Robert’s article on Pan-Enclavism and how it relates to Canada as a post-national nation
A critique of the Intellectual Dark Web
The need for a new bohemian/creative movement comparable to the Vienna Secession
Gio’s interest in the after prison Youtubers
Gio’s artistic background, influences, and art as a spiritual endeavor

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about Life in Mexico













Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about life in Mexico, social and political trends, and upcoming books from Terror House. Matt Forney is an author, journalist and founder of Terror House Press, whose mission is to publish outsider literary fiction, literary nonfiction, and cultural criticism/analysis. You can also follow Terror House publishing on Twitter and Instagram.


Why Matt decided to relocate to Guadalajara, Mexico
The overall quality of life, cost of living, and misconceptions about Mexico
Mexico’s more laxed covid lockdown
Class structure, demographics, and urbanism of Mexico
Jalisco as the cultural center of Mexico
The absence of woke culture in Mexico and the Right softening their stance towards Mexico
How the pandemic has exacerbated the worst social trends of the 2010s
Political trends: breakdown in institutional trust, political and economic bifurcation, neoliberalism’s loss of soft power, and transformation of the Democratic Party into a Woke Tea Party
Matt’s reviews of The Pussy by Delicious Tacos and Letters from a Heartbroken Pervert by Richard Power
Upcoming books from Terror House Press: Dragon Day by Matthew Pegas, The Columbine Pilgrim (Audiobook) by Andy Nowicki, and Welcome to Hell by “Bad” Billy Pratt

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island, and subscribe to his Substack Newsletter.

Robert Stark talks to Jason Reza Jorjani about Faustian Futurist














Robert Stark and Francis Nally talk to Jason Reza Jorjani about his new Science Fiction novel Faustian Futurist. Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD is an Iranian-American philosopher, lifelong native New Yorker, and author of numerous books including Prometheism and Prometheus and Atlas. Also check out his Twitter and Patreon.


Jason’s Faustian Futurist as an entry point to the philosophical and political concepts of his non-fiction work
The intimacy in giving the reader a window into the author’s subconscious
The Faustian archetype
The novel’s alternative history timeline set in the 2nd half of the 20th Century with an epilogue of the 21st Century
The theme of reincarnation
The significance of Atlantis in the novel and the empirical archeological evidence of Atlantis
Parapsychologist Gerald Feinberg’s The Prometheus Project, Mankind’s Search for Long-Range Goals
The parapsychological science of Remote viewing
A Prometheist vision beyond the convergence of left and right with a post-capitalist/scarcity outlook, and objective to find the balance between communitarianism and the creative potential of the individual
The limitations of electoral politics and the need to create a technological, cultural, and aesthetic movement
The Great Reset and the breakaway civilization
The mass exodus out of major cities and symbolism of the destruction of New York City as the cosmopolis of the West
Jason’s thoughts on the motives behind the woke agenda

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark interviews Delicious Tacos















Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to Delicious Tacos about his books, philosophical outlook, and life in LA. Delicious Tacos is the author of Hot Naked Kittens, Finally, Some Good News , The Pussy, and his most recent book Savage Spear of the Unicorn. You can follow him on Twitter and his books are on sale until Christmas.


The “California Houellebecq ”
Thoughts on self-publishing and how the novel Severance is to publishing what the film Sideways is to film critics
The economics of the arts and Delicious Taco’s advice to separate one’s creative endeavors from source of income
The slave morality of work and need for a guaranteed basic income
Delicious Taco’s support for Bernie Sanders, why he’s given up hope on American politics, and advice to focus on building up one’s own wealth
Delicious Taco’s love of birdwatching
The pros and cons of living in LA
Theme of Geomaxxing in Delicious Taco’s Finally, Some Good News and Houellebecq’s Platform
Age gap hysteria and why Delicious Tacos doesn’t need to moralize his proclivities
Working in Hollywood as a development executive
Matt and Robert’s upcoming books, and Delicious Taco’s upcoming book True Love

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark & Matt Pegan discuss the work of Michel Houellebecq













Robert Stark and Matt Pegan discuss the significance of French author Michel Houellebecq to our current zeitgeist and his novels Atomised, Whatever, Platform, Submission, and Serotonin.


Houellebecq’s early “loser” status, achieving success later in life, and auto-biographical themes in his work
French archetypes and cultural themes
Houellebecq’s Incel Prophecy: The Alienated and Intimacy-Starved
Houellebecq’s comparison of the sexual marketplace to free-market economics
Houellebecq as a social commentator and satirist but offers no explicit political solutions
Transhumanism and Geomaxxing presented as non-conventional escapes from the post-modern predicament
The infamous night club scene from the film rendition of Whatever dealing with the Age Pill and Black Pill
The normie script for life and Houellebecq as an example of someone who broke the script and succeeded
Houellebecq’s commentary that the World Will Be Same But Worse After ‘Banal’ Virus and Study on long term impacts of pandemic on relationships                                                               
Houellebecq’s literary style and dry witty dark humor
Robert and Matt plug their upcoming novels which deal with similar themes to Houellebecq’s work
Submission, the vulnerability of atomized liberal societies to cohesive outside forces, and why France is the most politically significant European country

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about the Caucasus Region













Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about the Caucasus region and trends for the 2020s. Matt Forney is an author, journalist and founder of Terror House Press, whose mission is to publish outsider literary fiction, literary nonfiction, and cultural criticism/analysis. You can also follow Terror House publishing on Twitter and Instagram.


Matt’s travels to the Caucasus region, living in Georgia for two years, and visiting Armenia
Georgia as an underrated gem, with an affordable but high standard of living, and hub for digital nomads
Geographic locations and mountainous natural beauty
Architecture and urban layout of Tbilisi, Georgia and Yerevan, Armenia
The anti-corruption Rose Revolution in Georgia
The region’s culture, Xenia hospitality culture, crossroad of Europe and the Middle East, and creeping westernization
The region’s cuisine, which is somewhat bland, but Georgian was the most exotic in Soviet Russia
Matt’s travels to Albania and misconceptions about that nation
The historic background leading up to the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
The conflict’s geo-political alliances and implications
Observations of social trends of the past two decades and speculation about the near future
How technology and social developments are leading to greater social atomization
The pandemic’s destruction of small businesses, gig economy, and overall end of normal employment
Why Matt has reservations about the UBI (Martin Goldberg: What Happens If You Get DELETED?)
The corporate gentrification of the internet
The Mancession of the 2008 crash vs. the current Shecession, and implications on gender relations
JPMorgan Chase extending billions in loans to minority homebuyers, Yelp’s anti-racist social credit nightmare, and overall unsustainability of woke neoliberalism
Matt’s prediction that Trump will win re-election and populism will align more with the GOP
Terror House Press’ upcoming books, including Matt Pegan’s Dragon Day

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark catches up with Logo Daedalus in the simulation













Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to Logo Daedalus about the current political climate and whether there’s any historical significance and deeper philosophical meaning to all this. Logo is the author of Selfie, Suicide: or Cairey Turnbull’s Blue Skiddoo and you can follow him on Twitter.


The different online tribes and how the weakest are based on ideology
Ideology as a pavlovian learned response
Thoughts on the protests, civil unrest, and Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
The Woke Capital phenomenon, and why Logo thinks it’s more of an advertisement investment rather than political agenda
Why pointing out moral hypocrisy is an ineffective political strategy
The significance of Iconoclasm
How America is an economic zone, all politics are consumer choices, and Americans are tourists
Baudrillard’s concept of current events as part of the simulation
Kojève and the End of history
The need for a post establishment world view
How building communities, creative endeavors, and independent institutions are more important than politics
The need for neo-mercantilism as an alternative to neo-liberalism
The animalization of American life (future of humans as pets)
Why the Boiling frog theory is more likely than the collapse (World will be same but worse after ‘banal’ virus, says Houellebecq)
How the police will be co-opted into the woke agenda rather than defunded
Nathan for You and what makes effective satire
The Kerouac Pill
Logo’s upcoming book inspired by the Canterbury Tales

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Paul Tripp about his proposal for a Green New Right












Robert Stark talks to Unz review writer about his proposal for The Green New Right. Paul is also the author of Psionism.


Paul’s critique of the Left’s handling of environmental issues
The focus on carbon emissions and the degree to which climate change is responsible for habitat loss
The Left’s focus on the West while ignoring ecological devastation in the developing world
The Left’s lack of concern for overpopulation in the developing world while telling Westerners to reduce their birthrates
Mass immigration’s impact on ecological footprints
Education, IQ, and Fertility
The need for rural revitalization for the new green economy
How sustainable agriculture would need a much larger and higher skilled workforce
The mainstream right’s neglect of environmentalism
How economic nationalism and tariffs would help end the exploitation of resources by global capitalism
The environmental origins of the coronavirus pandemic
The problems of a consumption based economic model
Why profits should be based upon reciprocity
One-Third of American Workers Pay Is Being Stolen. Here’s How
The decline in workers’ purchasing power
Why the Financialization of the economy is a bigger issue than labor supply
Paul’s book Psionism about rejecting an imposed mono culture in favor of neo-tribalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Brandon Adamson about The Rats of Nationalism














Robert Stark talks to Brandon Adamson of about his new book The Rats of Nationalism. It’s available on Amazon.


The board game Candy Land and how it relates to political dissidents
How Brandon has never been into conspiracy theories but became interested in this topic after first hand experience on social media
How most people’s conception of fed infiltrator is mistaken and incomplete
How the proliferation of certain memes, political figures and ideas is not entirely organic
Pinksheet Yang; de-radicalizing dissident rightest, giving them a path back into respectable society
Easily programmable people
How psyop motivations are often counter-intuitive(example of modern art)
The various film references in the book including The Secret of NIMH, which served as an inspiration for this book
The problems with anonymity
Why Brandon was never interested in activism
The symbolism of the color blue
The importance of being sincere and real

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Author Shane Eide


















Shane Eide blogs at Emerging Hermit and is the author of Artists Go To Hell: Novellas and Stories


Artists Go To Hell and theme of celebrities becoming symbols of something they are not
Kafkaesque theme of  waking up in a centralized prison/insane asylum where nobody can give you a straight answer about where you are
Shane’s upcoming book Contours of Nothing, a collection of aphorisms on politics, relationships, art, and religion
Shane’s interest in metaphysical ideas
How psychology drives politics
Shane’s Attempt at Self Description
How being politically homeless and not fitting into a slot is bad for marketing
Tracing the Lineage of a Radical Center
Radical Centrist thinker Gore Vidal
The Alt-Center, Starkianism and the Demystification of Social Capital
Emerging Alt-Center concepts such as Smart Socialism, Aristocratic Radicalism, and Neo-Tribalism
Parody book review of Incel by Corey Ruttner

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island