Category Archives: Spree Shootings

Robert Stark interviews Alex von Goldstein about Conspiracy Theories & The Green Pill






Topics include:

The importance of being skeptical towards both the establishment narrative and conspiracy theories
Conspiracy theories vs. the general populist narrative that the elites are acting against the interest of the people
How contrary to conspiracy theories, many of the elites have a short time frame
How conspiracy theories have become irrelevent because the world is so crazy that reading the news is enough
September 11th, and the rise of the modern conspiracy movement
Alex Jones
How the US Government covered up Saudi Arabia’s role in 9/11
The concept of controlled opposition
How conspiracy theories are used to avoid addressing politically incorrect issues
How conspiracy theories about 9/11 and Terror attacks distract from the Invade the World, Invite the World agenda
How conspiracy theories about mass shootings(ex. Sandy Hook and the Batman shooting being MK Ultra) distracts from society’s role in creating these individuals 
Ingroup vs outgroup indentities as a basis for conspiracy theories
Jewish conpiracy theories vs SJW theories of White Privelege and the Patriarachy
Bohemian Grove(archeo-futurist bent of Carthage vs Rome)
David Icke‘s Reptilian “bloodlines” theory
The Green Pill, which is the belief in the supernatural vs. the Red Pill, which see’s the world in terms of people
Graham Hancock vs Richard Dawkins on materialism, the idea of “The Truth”, Spirituality vs Rationality- LSD/DMT hippies vs Fedora Atheists
Terence McKenna and Henry Harpending’s research(the great leap in human IQ caused by magic mushrooms) vs human biodiversity
The documentary Hollywood Casting Couch Satan’s Playground, and the theory that sexual rituals are used to blackmail public figures
Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut
The Film They Live
Andy Nowicki’s book: Conspiracy, Compliance, Control, & Defiance

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Robert Stark interviews Alex von Goldstein about Pepe the Frog

Alex von Pepe









Topics include:

Matt Furie as the creator of Pepe, and the transition of Pepe from a online comic character to a symbol of “The Current Year”
What is “the Current Year” and how does it relate to Jean Baudrillard‘s idea of “the simulation”?
The visceral real (sex, violence) and how it loses itself in modernity, replaced with video simulation
The plastic, “feels good man” reality that pepe exists in
How the Transition of Pepe into a figure of the Current Year shows how people really think, not what the Establishment wants us to think
How Pepe’s popularity became widespread on 4Chan, and among NEETs and Incels
Pepe, the Oregon Shooter, and the Beta Uprising meme
How Pepe became an incon of the Alt-right and Trump campaign
The idea of “The Trolls” as the dissident members of the society, and how Left-Wing Trolls are essentially “Agent Smiths” of the Matrix
How White people are split between Post-White(master and slave dialectic/the breeders of the society) and the dissidents (Alt Right, Radical Center, Manosphere, Trad-Con, HBD, etc)
Pepe as a figure for those who are kicked out of society(the New Barbarians as Jack Donovan says)
Pepe as a symbol of nihilism, and how nihilism serves a purpose to tear down our current societies values but is not viable as a permenent state of being
Pepe as a fertility figure and how Pepe will lead nerds and dissidents to a happy and healthy future

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Robert Stark interviews Andy Nowicki about Conspiracy, Compliance, Control, & Defiance

Conspiracy, Compliance, Control, and Defiance












Robert Stark talks to Andy Nowicki about his new book Conspiracy, Compliance, Control, and Defiance: a primer on what is, and what is to be done,  now available on

Topics include:

How the book is not a conventional conspiracy theory book but one that focuses on the human condition and ways in which a person’s integrity can be manipulated
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
How personal needs for affirmation, praise, and status are dependent on other people and allow one to be exploited by them
How Andy was motivated to write the book by the struggle to become independent from the need of affirmation from others
The concept of Pride in Christian theology
Envy, how people deal with it, and the Christian view that it’s the only sin that one does not derive pleasure from
How the book deals with a hypothetical alienated man who is struggling for his integrity
The role that sexuality plays in manipulation
Conspiracy theories and how they are based on how people in power manipulate things
How the book does not endorse specific conspiracy theories but uses them as examples to analyse human nature
David Icke’s reptilian theory which he presents literally
The Lizard theory as a metaphor for individuals in power who are ruthless, ambitious, and malevolent
9/11 and how it was exploited to control the masses
The Sandy Hook Massacre and how unlike 9/11 there was lack of visual imagery
How there is something terrifying about the unknown
Grief Porn
How the human psyche reacts to danger
Whether media exposure leads to desensification to violence
Empathy and why empathy requires understanding

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Robert Stark interviews Colin Liddell about Radical Islam & the Black Pill











Topics include:

The Paris Terrorist attack and the political reactions to it
The profiles of the terrorist and how one was a refugee and the other was Belgium born of North African origin
9/11 and how the Neocons exploited it to promote wars in the Middle East, Spy on American Citizens, while not enforcing our own immigration laws
Colin’s article LARPING THE CALIPHATE about how ISIS is able to exist within a power vacuum
How many men who join ISIS join to feel powerful rather than for religious reasons
How ISIS has designed an approach to feed off the news media
How Western Elites have tried to win over Muslim immigrants with hedonism and consumerism
How Muslims in Europe have an inferiority complex and cope with violence and a belief in religious superiority
How young men have a psychological need to feel dominant and have a sense of pride
How young working class white men are being pushed to the margins and whether they will become radicalized
American Spree Shooters and how they compare with Muslim terrorist
Colin’s article THE BLACK PILL
How the Blue Pill represents accepting the values of society
How the Red Pill rejects modern society and seeks to restore a more organic society(ex. Identitarians)
How Blue Bill losers tend to turn to a sedentary lifestyle rather than embrace the Black Pill
How the Black Pill represents nihilism and appeals to disillusioned Red Pillers
How western society has become totally atomized unlike Muslim societies which are tribal
Colin’s article on Casa Pound in Italy
Colin’s interview with Casa Pound’s leader Gianluca Iannone
Casa Pound’s Third Positionist strategy opposing usury, supporting the poor, and the struggles of oppressed people’s in the Third World

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Robert Stark interviews Bay Area Guy about the Radical Centre

Pat and Ralph










Topics include:

Bay Area Guy’s article The Radical Center
How Radical Centrism combines the best aspects of the right(ex. Pat Buchanan) and the left (ex. Ralph Nader) against the corrupt establishment
How the establishment combines the worst aspects of both the left and right
More on the election and why Bay Area Guy supports Bernie Sanders
How Radical Centrism could be co-opted by the establishment
Making Sense of White American Misery
How hyper individualism leads to high rates of suicide and mass shootings
Why “Diversity” is Simply Code for “Non-white”
How to Win by Refusing to Say Sorry
The Importance of Historical and Global Awareness: Bay Area Guy’s Brief Thoughts on 1984

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Robert Stark interviews Robert Lindsay about the Oregon Shooter

Another Incel Shoots up College, 10 Dead, 7 Wounded
4Chan Subculture and the post on R9K predicting the shooting
Beta Uprising
How America’s hyper individualism and atomization leads to mass shootings
The Oregon School Shooter and Asperger’s
Depression and Suicide
Homicidal Fantasies
Study: Males and Females Differ in How They Rate the Attractiveness of the Opposite Sex
What Is This Man Doing Wrong?(Why hasn’t Game Worked?)

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about Ann Coulter & the Jews

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Topics include:
Ann Coulter & The Jews
Ann Coulter’s controversial Tweet about Jews after the Republican Debate
How Ann Coulter’s Faux Pas Calls Attention to Jewish Influence
The Jewish reaction to Ann Coulter’s Tweet
The Jewish Drive To Marginalize Ann Coulter
Philip Weiss: Coulter’s point is that Republicans pander on Israel to win donors, not voters
Ann Coulter’s book Adios, America which has a chapter praising Israel for it’s immigration policies
Whether Ann Coulter will survive this incident and if she does it will further expand the Overton window
Roosh Triggers ADL Cyber Police Investigation for stating Israel’s border walls work
How Jewish organizations in the diaspora oppose nationalism for non Jews
Donald Trump & The Jews
How Donald Trump sybolizes a resurgence of Nationalism and Populism
How like Coulter, Trump is also pro Israel but is opposed by Jewish activist for fear of a revival of Nationalism
Orthodox Jews For Trump
Jewish Organizations supporting Muslim migrants into the West
Luke Ford’s interview with Roger Devlin about his book “Sexual Utopia in Power”
How Luke often has “Beta Male” characteristics in relationships
How when Luke showed his vulnerable side that was often seen as a sign of weakness
The affects of promiscuity on women
How the more people lack bonds the more likely they are to engage in reckless behavior
When Beta Males Go On A Shooting Spree and how Luke views the key issue as a lack of social bonds
How Narcissist seek attention as a substitute for attachment
JSwipe vs Tinder


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Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney about the Virginia TV Shooting


Topics include:

Did the Media Drive Gay Black Man Vester Flanagan to Murder Two Journalists?
The Black Lives Matter Movement which incites violence and has mainstream media and political support
How the Black Lives Matter movement is biased in favor of Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders
The life and psychological profile of Vester Flanagan
How Flanagan differs from the profile of white male shooters who tend to be more socially and economically marginalized
How we’re now averaging more than one mass shooting per day
Why mass shootings are on the rise
How we are seeing a whole class of people pushed to the economic margins
People with Asperger’s and how they are screwed in modern atomized society
How bizarre subcultures such as Bronies are forming in reaction to social marginalization
The Phenomenon of young men joining ISIS
How people will likely form new functioning communities in reaction to a broken society
Why the Manosphere’s Fear of ‘TradCons’ is Misguided And Cowardly
More on the Trump campaign and whether his populist stances will repudiate the stupidity of Reagan Conservatism


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Robert Stark interviews Richard Spencer about Political Violence & Indentitarianism

Richard Spencer

Topics include:

Dylann Roof and Political Violence
The End of the Culture War
Identitarianism—A Conversation Starter

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Robert Stark interviews Robert Lindsay about the Charleston Church Shooting

Dylann Roof


Topics include:
Racist Mass Shooting in Charleston, South Carolina
The shooters Motivations
The characteristics and causes of mass shooters
Dylann Roof’s Manifesto
White Nationalism, Sex and Gender
On Sluthate
Why People Say Looks Don’t Matter for Men

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork